
Thank you so much for making my milestone birthday a memorable event, everything was perfect!

The ambiance of Gentry manor is sophisticated yet comfortable providing the perfect backdrop for the event. The décor was so tasteful, and the memory wall was an extra special touch.

The food was outstanding, comparable to any high-end Toronto restaurant. Of course, the libations were being consumed with abandon!

The icing on my cake were you, Thomas, and James, as you are gracious hosts with your attention to detail and your spirit of celebration. I can’t wait until the next event!

— Elaine Knotek-Holmes.

Love the spa, so beautiful and relaxing! Staff is very knowledgable and always friendly. Check out the new hair team, had the pleasure of working with 3 of them, very talented! 5 stars.

— Ashley Thibert

My Mom and I were pampered today and we had a wonderful experience! The staff was fantastic – Tim, Marilee and Sue were with us all day long and we are both feeling like jello now. Thanks to everyone there for making our day so awesome! 5 stars.

— Danielle Bourdeau

Fantastic pedicure today with Marilee. So relaxing, immaculate spa and of course …… highlight of the day is getting to see Thomas and James!! 5 stars.

— Dee Meurkes

Enjoy the Gentry Manor experience... 519-352-9420